Monday, June 27, 2011

To-Do List Update

I am happy to announce that Task # 2 - Fix garage key pad and remotes - can be checked off the To-Do List! It's a treat to enter and exit your garage with the press of a button. Glad to have that luxury restored once again.

Today I have some light grocery shopping to do and continue planning for my trip to Spain. And let's not forget, guitar practice.

Another exciting thing on today's agenda is baking. My sister and I will try our hand at home-made red velvet cupcakes and the cream cheese frosting to adorn these little beauties. Fingers crossed!

I've had a desire to watch Pretty Woman for so, so long and I was delighted when I came across it while at my local library this weekend.

So, here's to a Monday filled with dessert and Julia Roberts.

Letting Go

The reason why I want to liberate myself from the ties of list-making is because I list almost everything, even the things I have virtually no control over.  Most of my personal and professional goals don't get jotted down on physical paper but are on the tablet of my mind (Thank you, Lil' Wayne). That's normal, yes. But I have learned a valuable lesson in recent days, thanks to a dear friend who is on a similar road.

We want what we want. Fulfillment. To travel. A home. Love. Children. Successful career. The list goes on and on and on. Some things we can control. Other things we cannot. And for those things outside of our control, let's learn to let go. Life will bring things into our lives but we don't know when or how. Let's just enjoy the ride and be grateful for what we have right now. 

My friend is starting a gratitude journal where each day you write one thing that you are grateful for. Just one sentence a day, something simple to commit to that can have a major impact. We're so quick to complain about our day with all the things that went wrong and what we still don't have and while it's healthy to vent, let's also reflect on the good things in our lives. 

Try it today. Write one thing that you are grateful for and reflect on it. I think it has the possibility to change your outlook.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

To-Do List Update

1. Practice guitar

...and practice I did! Stole away some time this evening to practice scales and chords. Also, learning to play Brooke Fraser's Something in the Water. I love this folky little tune and, when mastered, it's a song I can actually sing along to as I play.  Definitely something to look forward to.

2. Fix garage key pad and remote.

I haven't even made contact with the garage expert. In fact, I don't even have his number in my phone.  First step is to get his number and schedule an appointment. Gotta get 'er done. 

3. Book Madrid hostel.

Found a great location in the City Center with availability and at a fair price. Waiting on travel companion to confirm before booking. After Madrid, it's on to Valencia, Seville, Granada, Barcelona and Paris. Can't believe Euro trip is a few short months away!

As a parting gift, enjoy the sounds (and sights) of Ms. Fraser's Something in the Water...

A Case of the Mondays

As for most people, Monday begins the daily grind.   There tends to be a sluggish start to the day as it signals the definite end to the weekend. Now, I love my job but that doesn't change the curse of the Monday's.  While en route to work yesterday, instead of singing along to my Top 25 iTunes playlist I couldn't help but make a mental list, well, truthfully an audible-talking-to-myself-in-the car list of all the things I had to do.  Most people see my lists and say "Wow, you must be so organized" and while the organization part is true and a benefit for sure, lists are both a blessing and a curse.  The blessing comes through organization and not allowing things to slip through the mental cracks but the curse is that one becomes bound to their lists. It's all gotta be written down or you won't remember it.  There's no room for spontaneity. There's only calculation and precision and exactness. 

A friend recently glanced at a To-Do list  I had on my iPhone that had shave my legs as a weekend task. I mean, you know you've reached a certain extreme when shaving your legs is on the list. Why not include get out of bed while I'm at it. So, for 2011, my goal has been to simplify. Simplify the lists. Go on a whim every now and then. Be spontaneous. Recognize that everything does not have to be calculated or planned or categorized.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I want exactness when it comes to finances and paying bills and career planning but that's only a fraction of the life to be lived. 

I want to embrace life and the unexpected moments. Have more fun. Be careless and free. Adopt a bit of that bohemian spirit. So, I thank you, Monday, for reaffirming the importance of balance.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Things First

So, here it is, my first realistic venture into list-making. Usually, when consumed with an idea or struck with a sudden bout of I-need-to-get-organized-and-now, I spiral into a To-Do list / note-taking frenzy.

I've simplified the list to tasks that carry the most significance and are high priority.

  1. I can't even say that I play guitar because I don't. To my teacher's dismay, I don't practice enough to call it playing. All I can say is that I am learning to play and have been doing so for over a year now, maybe two.  Shameful, I know. Mr. Guitar Teacher says even five minutes a day will make a big difference. Totally doable. 
  2. The ease of driving into your garage as soon as you pull into your driveway is a simple treasure I have recently come to appreciate. After my keypad and two garage remotes ceased to work, I've had to back my car out of garage, run into the house and close the garage door, lock the door, exit through the front door and then drive off.  The two minutes spent doing what I just mentioned could be spent playing guitar. See how important this particular task is?
  3. Madrid is the first stop on my summer trip abroad where I will reunite with my darling best friend after 8 months apart. Looking to book something affordable with a balcony overlooking some beautiful plaza. Fingers crossed. 
May the force be with me.

Moment of Clarity

I told myself very clearly this afternoon that enough was enough. I've spent hours of my (young) life making my infamous To-Do lists and with not much to show for it.  That is it.  The time has finally come where whatever task is penned onto paper (or typed into iPhone note pad) will indeed come to pass (and if not to fruition, then at least a good ol' honest attempt).

I do not discriminate went it comes to list-making. They are comprised of a myriad of things, from the mundane, everyday tasks - empty the dishwasher, pay the electric bill - to the more adventurous - end world hunger, reface kitchen cabinets. All tasks, ideas, wants, needs, hopes and dreams are eventually jotted down somewhere. But today is different. I've grown tired of list-making without the desired end result.

Today, I'll make a stand and I'll make it check mark at a time.