Monday, October 3, 2011

The Return and Pending Change

Now I know it's been a while since my last post but I was surprised to see it had been since July. That just seems way too long ago...

As you know, from my initial posts, I was planning my first trip to Europe with destination to Spain and Paris. The trip came and went and was fantastic. Spain felt friendly and familiar and I loved getting lost in the narrow cobble-stoned streets and walking into hidden squares. Paris was as magical as one could imagine.  Even the rain and overcast skies couldn't dampen the City of Light. The gloomy weather made it that much more romantic and surreal.

Vacation gave me that restorative, pensive, what-will-I-do differently feeling... I love that time away always seems to have that effect on me.

The cooler Fall weather (and by cool here in Florida, I mean a high of 81) adds to this feeling of change. I drove home tonight with windows down and breeze running through my hair and something just felt...different. Something felt new and reborn. I know that sounds cheesy but I just can't help it. The change is so real it's tangible.  The feeling I have inside is reminiscent of the start of a New Year and while we're 3 months shy of welcoming 2012, change feels so right now.

I'm tired of the monotony. I want to do more, read more, write more. Love more, share more. I want to be passionate. I want to sing and play guitar. I want to cook more and bake more. I have a house that needs to be redecorated, a garage that needs to be finished. I want to take walks and go bike riding...

Any way I go about it, I make a list. Lists are my roadmaps, if you will. I jot down my wants and desires and wishes. Then I prioritize and budget and ask myself "how can X become reality?"

Here's to new directions and new adventures. Well, newness in general. Out with the old and in with the new as change is upon us.